Matthew Peters' Copyright Information Page

This copyright section has been created to inform the masses that all my own creations, ranging from artwork to written work and whether appearing on the Internet or elsewhere in some other form of published media (books, fanzines, newsletters, etc.), are the rightful property of me, Matthew W. Peters, freelance cartoonist. Such creations of mine ARE NOT public domain, nor are they to be treated as such. If you see my official copyright notice appearing on my own creations (i.e.: ©2009 Matthew Peters. All Rights Reserved - for example), that means that said published document is my rightful property by both National and International Copyright Laws. All my copyrights are in accordance with the information provided on the Basics of Copyrighting, that have been reproduced from the official information of the U.S. Copyright Office. Any unauthorized, illegal, or otherwise attempt to reprint and/or modify any of my own creations in any way or manner, without my explicit permission and knowledge, WILL BE a direct violation against my rights to my work. NONE OF MY ART IMAGES appearing on any of my own website(s) cannot and shall not be copied, distributed, or republished without my permission and knowledge.

All of my own original characters, storyworld settings, written dialogue and other related material created by me, are entirely works of fiction. None of any such material is intended to be, nor meant to be, treated or thought of as existing real-life entities or places. The true purpose for all of my own creations is made entirely for entertainment purposes only.

I apologize if this may seem too forward to you. But I have read about of a few actual incidents where some of my own fellow artists have had some of their own artwork stolen by people who didn't take the time to think, or even care, about said artist's rights to his/her own work and how this would affect them emotionally. -- Therefore, I ask that you please take into consideration and respect the rights of any and all artists whose own original workings you admire to whatever degree. And most important, please ask for permission firsthand if you desire to use a fellow artist's own work.

Please read and take careful notice of the terms and conditions I have created for my own artwork.

Terms and Conditions for Free Distribution of My Internet Art Files:
Any of my art files appearing in my own personal art galleries and those appearing on any web galleris I may have are allowed for free distribution for personal and non-commercial purposes/usage only. Anywhere else is strictly prohibited, unless I have noted otherwise. Free distribution of my art files, from the specified locations, are permitted as long as they remain unaltered and no money/profit is made off of them. They are not permitted for republishing, however; unless my permission is given.

Terms and Conditions for Fan-Based Artwork:
I realize that any and all fellow artists that created something that generates any amount of fans will definitely include fan-art from fans. Any fans I receive for whichever of my own original creation(s) you like, may create fan-based artwork as long as they are clean and neat, and family-friendly for both kids and adults of all ages to view. Plus, my proper copyrights must also be placed and visible enough to read on the fan-art piece itself.

Free distribution of said fan-art pieces are permitted as long as they remain unaltered and no money/profit are made off of them. In return I would like to contacted by the fans who have made such fan art and to receive a copy(s) of it/them to place on the website I created for the appropriate creation in turn.

Please provide your full real name, and any furry alias(es) you have, along with your website address and e-mail address for credit purposes (let me know if you wish me to list your e-mail address ahead of time).

Terms and Conditions for Commercialized Licensing & Publishing:
Any magazines, books or commercial electronic media publications may contact me via e-mail to negotiate with me about using any of my own creations for their own business website. One thing that must be made clear is that I retain all rights to my own work and my proper copyright notice must be made visible with each of my characters, art files, etc., that are being used, that they remain unaltered and file name intact, and you must mention that you are under license by me and my name listed as Matthew W. Peters in said licensing statement.

My artwork is one of the ways on how I like to express myself and my creativity. Like musicians who express themselves through their music and dancers through their dancing, I express myself through my cartoon artwork.

Thank you for taking this time to read my legal information to my own work.

MATTHEW PETERS - December 28, 1999


©2009 Matthew W. Peters. All Rights Reserved.